Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Post modern 4/14

  • Post modernism
  • pop is born
  • Experimental alternative publishing
  • push pin studios
  • new wave typography
  • wolfgang weingart
  • Rosmiare Tissi
  • Siegfried Odermatt
  • April Grieman
  • Paul Scher
  • Charles Anderson
  • Nevel Brody
  • Jacques Derrida
  • Ed fella
  • David Carson
  • Emigre
  • Deconstruction
  • Post structurlism
  • Mau
  • Challenging Heiarchies
  • Benjamin Saviginac
  • Jonathan Barnbrook
With the introduction to post modernism one sees designs shift, pop is born a concept that has never really been explored. Elvis, star trek and Marlin Monroe popular culture. Also in the 80s with the introduction of the computer so much became available to graphic designers. Everything became extraordinarily easy to do. Which has its good and bad pointsm sure everything is easier but now all that easy technology is introduced to people who dont know how to use. Just because you can do it doesnt mean that you should. Some much has come with these new technologies and so much is to come yet int the future. I look forward to what the future of graphic design holds and how it can contiue to change the world.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

unit 3 4/7

  • Hoffmann
  • Brockman
  • The swiss grid
  • Paul Rand
  • Lester Beal
  • Saul Bass
  • Thompson
  • Cherymayeff
  • Vignelli
  • Knoll
  • Henry Wolf
  • Lois
  • Photo-Typography
  • Herb Lubalin
It will always amaze me how influential design can be on the society, entering into graphic design I would have never of guessed how substantial and influential this major really is. The change with the shell gas stations only prove the influence that design can cast. Going from a gas station that looked like it came out of a western movie to a hip modern gas station that looks like it came from the future. All of this change based on the design that is happening around it.

Discourse 2

Please count this Article as my second discourse

Name: Kelsey DeGenaro
Title: Univers: A New San Serif Type by Adrian Frutiger
Date Posted: Wednesday March 3
Time Posted: 12:32 AM