Wednesday, February 24, 2010

  • De Stijl
  • Gerrit Rietveld
  • Theo van Doesburg
  • El Lissitzkyy
  • Peter Oud
  • JJ Oud
  • Bauhaus
  • Herbert Bayer
  • Walter Gropius
  • Moholy Nagy
The Bauhaus next to Dada is one of my favorite movements in Graphic Design, I feel if I lived in Germany in that time I would have been a student at the bahaus. The pure function and design is truely inspirtational and so many modern designs are based off of the pieces that came out of the Bauhaus. It always makes me wonder what would have happend to the Bauhaus if it wasn't shut down by the Nazis during world war two. Would we have designs that we have yet to think of? Its turley and amazing thought.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Constructivism and De Stijl

  • Kasimir Malevich
  • Supermatism
  • Rodchenko
  • Constructivist
  • El Lissitszky
  • Photomantage
  • Salomen Tellingater
  • Prouns
  • The Steinberg Brothers
  • De Stijl
  • Theo Van Doesburg
  • Gerrit Rietveld

El Lissitsky is pivitol graphic designer of the period. His painting style known as Prous established modern enviormental design. He Formulates environment based on 3D
communication experience the way he worked and drafted with photos was truely amazing. The steinburg brothers were also amazing, the build on constructivist ideals and made the russan movie poster. They projected films and drafted from them. Its so creative and they embraced the fact that they drew and no longer photography. It was photography inspired but they were proud of them. Art movements change so easily with one persons ideas, its amazing how one idea can bring enire art movement into swing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unit 2 part 1

  • Plakastil
  • Cubism
  • Lucian Bernhard
  • Allie posters Vs. Central Powers
  • Ludwig Holhwein
  • Structural Linguistics
  • Typographic Materiality
  • Stephane Mallarme
  • Similtaneity
  • Synthetic Cubism
  • Futurism
  • Marinetti
  • DADA
  • Duchamp
  • John Heartfeild
  • George Grosz
  • Kurt Schwitters
  • Surrealism
  • Max Ernst
  • Rene Magritte
  • Man Ray
I have always loved the art from DADA movement. It was really awesome learning how it started and the motivations behind the works. I never knew that the work was so political and they would even turn away artists who werent making a big enough statement. The exploration of expressive typography is also wonderful as a Graphic Designer myself I love seeing those sorts of posters and Typographic Materiality. I almost wish that I could be alive durning that period so I could experience these things first hand. I love experimenting with type in my typography class so I feel almost as if I belong in these sorts of movements. What would typography look like now if DADA never happend would someone else think of it, or was it the poltical rebellion the feul?