Wednesday, February 24, 2010

  • De Stijl
  • Gerrit Rietveld
  • Theo van Doesburg
  • El Lissitzkyy
  • Peter Oud
  • JJ Oud
  • Bauhaus
  • Herbert Bayer
  • Walter Gropius
  • Moholy Nagy
The Bauhaus next to Dada is one of my favorite movements in Graphic Design, I feel if I lived in Germany in that time I would have been a student at the bahaus. The pure function and design is truely inspirtational and so many modern designs are based off of the pieces that came out of the Bauhaus. It always makes me wonder what would have happend to the Bauhaus if it wasn't shut down by the Nazis during world war two. Would we have designs that we have yet to think of? Its turley and amazing thought.

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