Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Video Games

As the Head of the Instrumentation Division at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Willy Higinbotham, invented the world's first video game Tennis for Two Video Game in 1958, to entertain visitors to the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The main purpose of video games is to entertain so I would say that he was very accurate in the purpose of video games. Higinbotham never pattend his video game so I suspect that did not think they would have such an impact on modern culture.

The Video game in the laws of media:
1. The video game enhances many different Human traits, a video game is of course visual so it enhances the sense of sight. I also think the video game help enhance touch with hand eye coordination that becomes apparent in most modern games. Now with the wii more and more becomes beneficial to humans, weight lost and excessive in now even available. The video game also helps the mind with memory and a form of education, games have been delveloped for schools such as reading rabbit and math blasters.
2. The video game was so new in its time that there was nothing like it technology wise. It would be hard to what type technology became obsolesce because of it but what types of activities have been replaced. Less and less children play outside and stay active to stay inside and play video games. Playing outside or playing board games has not become obsolesce but one could definitely say that they no longer see as many children outside as they used to. One negative aspect of this is the lack of exercise that children are receiving. Video games could be a direct contributor to obessity amoungst children.
3.Video games could very well be a revival of the board game. Its a form of interactive entertainment that has been improved uponed in a technological way. I still love to play board games with my faimly so I wouldn't that they were completly obsolese but they arent used as much. People love video games and I don't think there will ever be an end to them.
4.Video Games get blamed for a lot of things. I do not think the original inventor of the video game expected it to completly take control of some peoples lifes. Or take control of the main type of entertainment amongst children in this modern age. Video Games often gets blamed for the obisiety amoungst children like I stated above but, only partly. I think it is the parents responsibility to take the video game away fromt he children and make them play outside. Video games also get blamed for violence in people. Video games are violet but I dont think this has contributed to the violence of the population. Society has always been violent as long as history has accorded so the addition of the video games is irrelivant in that factor.

The laws make plenty of sense to the world around us. They can be applied to almost everything, so that directly shows how truthful they turn out to be. The laws were very relevant to the video game in many different ways. The video game replaced interactive entertainment as the laws basically said this sort of thing would happen. Will these sort of laws have potential to change me as a designer? Perhaps but only slightly, I think anysort of thing could come back or be popular weather the law states it or not.

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